Aqua One AR620 AquaStyle Tank (Gloss Black ) 90L




$349.00incl GST


1 in stock


The Aqua One AquaStyle Range of aquariums caters to the beginners through to the advanced fish keeper. The AquaStyle Range features suitable technology, with a 3 stage top filter and an energy efficient LED light unit under a hinged hood. The impeccable lighting system offers greater control over aquarium lighting. The AquaStyle matching Cabinet range, offers a strong and stylish design, and storage space for aquarium equipment.

Features & Benefits:

  • Available in a sleek gloss finish
  • Stylish bow front design
  • Easy set up and maintenance. Includes a 3 stage top filter for mechanical, chemical and biological filtration. Includes filter media.
  • Convenient hinged hood allows plenty of room for easy access and maintenance
  • Two-way single switch LED lighting technology; Moonlight function with ‘Blue Only’ option or ‘All Lights’ (RGB) option. LED lighting promotes lush plant growth, as well as intensifies the natural colours in your fish.
  • Matching cabinets available. 

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