Albino Tinfoil Barb 5cm




$27.00incl GST


Out of stock

Albino Tinfoil Barb 5cm Barbonymus schwnenfeldii

Scientific Name : Barbonymus schwanenfeldii

Common Names : Tinfoil Barb, River Barb

Care Level : Easy to Moderate, this fish needs a larger tank

Size : 13 inches (32 cm)

pH : 6.0 - 7.5

Temperature : 75°F - 80°F (24°C - 27°C)

Life span : 8 - 10 years

Origin / Habitat : Rivers in Thailand and Sumatra, also found in the Iberian Peninsula

Temperament / Behavior : This fish can be peaceful enough for a very large community tank, but it may eat smaller fish.

Breeding : May be possible to breed in the home aquarium. You would need a very large tank to house the adults. Egglayer that likes higher temperatures (77 - 80°F) for breeding. Remove adults to keep them from eating the eggs.

Aquarium Size : 75 gallon (284 liters) minimum

Tank Mates : May go well with Bala Shark, Pleco, Silver Dollar and other large fish

Diet / Foods : An herbivore - provide a varied diet with algae wafers, pellet food and frozen food.

Tank Region : Mostly middle to top

Gender : Difficult to determine

The Tinfoil Barb is a fish that is often available in pet shops and sold to the beginning aquarist but it is not the best choice for those beginning in the freshwater hobby. The tinfoil barb requires a very large tank, at least 75 gallons (284 liters) for one and a much larger aquarium when keeping these barbs in multiples because of their potential adult size of 13 inches (32 cm). They like to have lots of space for swimming and they are indeed fast swimmers. They also like to jump out of tanks that don't have tight fitting hoodsThe sides of the Tin foil Barb resemble tin foil (hence the name) and the fins on the this barb will become more red as they mature. Juveniles (pictured below) lack the red on the fins. The second picture is of a mature tinfoil barb that is around 10 inches in size. Tinfoil Barbs will accept most fish food, including flakes, pellets, frozen and freeze-dried foods. They will also go after your live plants and any smaller fish if given the opportunity.